

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Welcome to Challenge #27! December 15th - January 14th 2021

Hello and Welcome to Challenge #27!   

We are happy to have you join in the fun!   This Challenge will run from December 15th through January 14th, 2021.   We would like to wish you a ♥ Merry Christmas ~ Season's Greetings ♥ we are Wishing a Good New Year to all.

We will announce Winners from Challenge #26 as soon as all the votes are collected.   I will be making a separate post of this as soon as possible. ♥

Without further delay ~ here is some inspiration from our creative DT, we look forward to see what you make.


Helen - Admin/DT

Image: Mixed With Love - Featuring Hettie Hedgehog (newest Image)

Clara - DT

Tracy - DT

Becca - DT

Mary - Admin/Designer
Hettie's Christmas Box
coming soon

♥ Remember to place your entries below.. You may enter up to 3 times per person.♥

We'll see you next year. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you for the hard work from all involved to bring us these challenges.

    Wishing all the team a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, Happy Holidays if you don't and a Happy New Year to one and all.

    Love, Best Wishes and Socially Distanced (((Hugs)))


  2. Thank you, Mandy for the warm wishes! We appreciate our followers and we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a bright & happy New Year!


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...