

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Welcome to Challenge #27! December 15th - January 14th 2021

Hello and Welcome to Challenge #27!   

We are happy to have you join in the fun!   This Challenge will run from December 15th through January 14th, 2021.   We would like to wish you a ♥ Merry Christmas ~ Season's Greetings ♥ we are Wishing a Good New Year to all.

We will announce Winners from Challenge #26 as soon as all the votes are collected.   I will be making a separate post of this as soon as possible. ♥

Without further delay ~ here is some inspiration from our creative DT, we look forward to see what you make.


Helen - Admin/DT

Image: Mixed With Love - Featuring Hettie Hedgehog (newest Image)

Clara - DT

Tracy - DT

Becca - DT

Mary - Admin/Designer
Hettie's Christmas Box
coming soon

♥ Remember to place your entries below.. You may enter up to 3 times per person.♥

We'll see you next year. 


  1. Thank you for the hard work from all involved to bring us these challenges.

    Wishing all the team a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, Happy Holidays if you don't and a Happy New Year to one and all.

    Love, Best Wishes and Socially Distanced (((Hugs)))


  2. Thank you, Mandy for the warm wishes! We appreciate our followers and we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a bright & happy New Year!


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...