

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Challenge #21 is Here! Welcome!!

Hello and Welcome to Challenge #21!!

We are glad to have you join in with us! 

Our Blog Badge

Please read through, before entering our challenge. 

This challenge will run from June 17th through July 14th ~ as always we are an Anything Goes challenge, but we do have some rules to follow...which can be found here.   We have made a few new changes to our Guidelines that you'll want to check out! 

Winner - Winner !!

Here is the listing for Challenge #19

Our Top 3 Winners are... drum roll please!

#12 - Craftartista - She wins 2 Images of Choice!
#11- STephanie - She wins 1 Image of Choice!
#30 - Barbara Bruder - She wins 1 Image of Choice! 
Congrats to all of our Top 3 Winners!!

Here is the listing for Challenge #20 Winners!

Our Winner & Guest Designer for Challenge #22 - July 15th - drum roll...
#20 - Lori Podolsky - She wins 2 Images of Choice!
Please grab our Winners Badge & display it proudly!  Congrats!

Our Top 3 Winners are: ... drum roll.. 
#24 - Karen @ Misplaced Mojo - She Wins 1 Image of Choice!
#25 - Gardening For The Day - She Wins 1 Image of Choice!
#18 - Made By Mandy - She Wins 1 Image of Choice! 
Congrats to our Top 3 Winners!

*Remember if you use one of our Images, and you are selected as a Winner, then you get to grab an extra Image!  Woo-Hoo!!

email:  When sending an email, please in the Heading: Winner on Challenge # __
I will not answer any spam. 

(and use your really cool Createful Heart Images for an entry into our challenges!)
Awesome Sauce!!  :)

Remember to Grab this Badge to use on your Blogs --> Announcing to the blog world that you are a Winner!!  

When you enter your photo entry, make sure to link to your blog post and not your entire blog.   And no back-linking!    We appreciate that!
Please check out Createful Heart Design Store
Remember, you can use any digital, but we'd love it if you'd use one of ours!  
As always you may enter up to 3 entries per person. 
If you are selected as a winner, please know that you have 2 weeks, in order to claim prizes.   (2 weeks from the date of announcement).
I cannot be held responsible for late, or mis-directed emails.   

We also have a Facebook Group too, c'mon over and join us!
And now I can be found on instagram...would love to have you check it out!

Here is what our Awesome Team of Designers have made ~ we hope that we've inspired you and look forward to see what you make!

No photo description available.

Mary Smith - Designer/DT
Using Image:  Japanese Tea House
This Image comes with a set of 2 designer digital papers!

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Helen Nile - DT
Using Image: Smooth Sailing

No photo description available.

Using Image: USA Flag Waving

No photo description available.

Clara Fitts Kubert - DT
Using Image: Florals Set of 3

No photo description available.

Using Image: Roses and Dragonfly

No photo description available.

Elizabeth Kirby Hart - (Stepping down)
Using Image: Dragonfly "Hi!"
We would like to Thank, Elizabeth, for sharing her time and her wonderful talents with Createful Heart Design!   We wish you well!

No photo description available.

Using Image: Frog and Flora


  1. Thank you so much, Mary, for choosing my card on Top3 for challenge 19. I am thrilled for my win! I am grabbing the badge to proudly display it on my blog. Kisses, Mia (Craftartista)

  2. You are welcome! And Congrats to you, and all of the winners!! :)

  3. Hi Mary! Thank you for selecting me as a winner. How exciting! Congratulations to the other winners. Stay safe, and enjoy your day. Hugs, Lori xx

  4. Thank you very much for choosing my card as a top 3 winner for challenge 20.

    I have sent an email to claim my prize.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Hope everyone is safe and well. Stay Happy, Healthy, crafting and creating joy.

    Love Mandy xxx

  5. Congratulations to the winners! Love all the wonderful DT creations. Thanks for the challenges. I am new here; but thought I would join you. It looks like a fun place. Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Gloria

  6. Glad to have you join our challenge site, Gloria Shirr!
    And Congrats to all of our Winners!!

    Mary - Admin

  7. C'est une joie de participer à ce beau challenge et d'admirer les créations de la DT.

    It is a joy to participate in this beautiful challenge and to admire the creations of DT.
    Thank you.


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...