

Sunday, February 10, 2019

...until we meet again

Just wanted to let you all know, that my family and I have had some very shocking news.  On Monday the 4th of February my Mother suffered a very bad stroke.   This time she was transported to the hospital in an ambulance.     And sadly, tomorrow she will be laid to rest.   Its been a very sad time for me and the family.   

The next blog challenge may be a little late, but we will still have it.   As my mother would want me to go on with my hobbies and to continue on with my business.    She always respected my time.   When I tried to tell her what all I do on my computer she would seem confused by it all... "never mind, I wouldn't understand anything about computers even if you tried to explain it all to me", she would say.   

So I hope you all will understand the reason for any kind of lag in me getting the next blog challenge up and ready.   

Thank you for understanding.     Until we meet again, Mary ♥


  1. Mary, I am so sorry! You will be in my prayers!

  2. Thinking of you and your family at this time x

  3. Mary, so sorry for your sad news. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Oh Mary I am very sorry to hear your news. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  5. Thinking of you Mary. Make sure you take care of yourself. The challenge comes second to your needs. Hugs Suze


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Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

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