

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Regretfully I must close.....

 Hello,  It's with much regret that I must close my Createful Heart Design etsy shop, effective January 2022.   I have received some news about new regulations that will go into effect on this date.   Tax requirements that will be imposed upon me.    Actually, I will have to close my shop before this date, cause if I don't my shop will be suspended.   

We will no longer have any kind of card challenges.   I would like to thank all of you that have entered our challenges on a regular basis.   And have kept Createful Heart Design as a favorite.    And I appreciate all that have made purchases from my shop.   

   I have for the most part enjoyed every minute of creating new images over the years, since this business started in 2017.    This step isn't an easy one to do, as I thought Etsy was going to be my home for many years to come.   My heart is sad.    And there have been many commitments made, as I have been a sponsor over a the years as well.    

Even though my shop will close I have decided to keep my blog up, and I have decided to keep blogging about my images, and what inspired me to do these images.   I want to do this as memory of the years that I have been in business.      And if you would still like to follow me as I transition into just a regular blog again,  I would really appreciate it.     

 The news about these new regulations was just announced in an email to me, just yesterday.   And so I am telling you all as quickly as I have heard about it.     

To say that I'm not upset would be a lie.   So, as I write this post, my heart is very sad.   

You might be asking, will you consider getting back into business at some point in the future?    Well, that may be a possibility.   But as for now, I must move on.   



  1. So sorry to hear this Mary - I wish you all lthe best in the future
    Stay safe

  2. Je suis vraiment désolée de voir que, par les temps qui courent, et à l'aube des fêtes de fin d'année, il y a encore des contraintes et des règlementations qui obligent des gens qui travaillent pour gagner leur vie à se retrouver démunis.
    Comme si la Covid n'avait pas assez contribué à mettre les gens au chômage.
    Je suis vraiment désolée Marie, j'espère que les choses vont s'arranger avec le temps.
    Mais pour les Fêtes ça tombe mal.
    I am really sorry to see that, these days, and at the dawn of the end of the year holidays, there are still constraints and regulations that force people who work for a living to find themselves destitute .
    As if the Covid had not done enough to put people out of work.
    I am very sorry Marie, I hope things will work out over time.
    But for the Holidays things are bad.
    Yours sincerely.

  3. So sorry to hear this Mary It is hard when you have founded something with heart and soul and you now have to close due to regulations. I hope things will work out over time.
    Stay safe

  4. Sorry to hear that. Wish you all the best in the future.

  5. Mary, I am so sorry to hear this. It is so apparent that you put your heart into your art. I'll try to visit when life allows and pray that the Etsy situation changes in the future. Until then, take care.
    Kathy A at myasperations


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Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...