

Friday, August 16, 2019

DT Call - 2019

To be a considered for our Design Team, you must be willing to commit to a 6 month term.
I am looking to fill 5 to 6 positions.
  • Images used in projects must be that of Createful Heart Design
  • Must be able to take clear photos of your work
  • Promote Createful Heart Design across social media.
  • DT Members will be required to comment on the Challenge entries.
  • DT Members will help to decide on the Winners of the Blog Challenges.
  • To encourage and support the Team Members.
  • DT Members will get to choose which image that they would like to work with for that month.
  • Badges will be created for the DT Members for the use on your blog and watermarks for your projects.
  • DT Members will get to see newly released images, even before they are placed in my store.
I do like to have a Team that feels like they are part of the family of Createful Heart Design.   Our Rules are simple:  We do not allow drama.  We are a friendly group, please do be kind and considerate of DT Members and our FB Followers

I do not allow any of the DT Members to sell their works on my site, nor do I allow you to feature your business on my site.  This includes Face Book.
Please only use the digital images provided and created by Createful Heart Designs.

To Apply For This Position:
Please send at least 3 samples of your work.  It does not have to be new.   Please upload your photo application entries to the Design Team Call Folder on my Photo Album of my FB page.
If you would rather send the samples of your work to me, you may do so, make sure that DT Call is the subject heading of the email.

Please include a list of Design Teams that you've been on or already serve as a design team member.
List links to any Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, that shows your awesome artwork.
**Its very important for you to send to me your information correctly so that I may contact you.**
Please also include a short bio about yourself and when your passion for crafting began.

I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank You!



  1. Is there an August 15th challenge? I'm trying to update the list at Challenges for Days. Thank you.

  2. NanaConnie, no, we will restart in September 15th.

    Caz, Thank you, I did receive your application. :)


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...