

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Welcome to Challenge #31 - April 22nd - May 14th

 Welcome to Challenge # 31

We are so glad to have you join in the fun!

Thank you so much for being patient during this stressful time - we are kicking this Challenge off a little later than usual but we are BACK!!

This time around, we are beginning this Challenge on the 22nd of April and ending it on the 14th as our usual ending time.

Okay, we had some lovely entries, which made it even harder to decide on the winners!

Announcing the Winners from Challenge #30!  Congratulations to all of the Winners!!!  

Our Top Winner is: #32 Suze - Claimed

And we would like to ask her to be our Guest Designer for the month of June!   Please get in contact with me, at this email:

To make your selections for the images please go to my shop:

Top 3 Winners are:

#29 Made By Mandy - Claimed

#15 Sheryl Hare - Claimed

#14 Aimeslee - Claimed

Congrats to our Top 3 Winners

Please grab our badges to proudly display on your blogs!

**Remember when entering our Challenge you may only enter up to 3 times per person**

**Please no businesses, Inlinkz is a paid site, if I find you have placed your business, you will be removed and blocked no questions asked**

Here's some inspiration from our Design Team!   We cannot wait to see what you make.  And wish you all much success.

♥♥ We look forward to having Cass join us in May to be our GDT♥♥

♥ Mary - Admin/Designer

Using Image: Backyard Grill (new release)

♥ Helen N. - Admin/DT
Using Image: Ahhhh Spa

♥ Becca S. - DT

We didn't have a GD for the month of April, so our DT member Becca did an extra image. ♥
Using Image: Angel Bear (new release)

♥ Clara K. - DT
Using Image: Home Sweet Home

We are currently looking for Designers to join our Team, if you are interested please get in touch with me, Mary.. and let me know!   Thank you.
Please include 3 of your works, in the headline "Would like to join your Team"
Term is: 6 months


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the Top 3. I hope Mary's husband is on the mend xx

  2. Thank you very much for choosing my card as a Top 3 entry

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Hope everyone is safe and well. Stay Happy, Healthy, crafting and creating joy.

    Love Mandy xxx

  3. Congrats to all the winners! I'm honored to have my card chosen as a Top 3, thank you very much! My prayers for Mary's hubby to heal completely from his accident. xoxo

  4. Thank you for the kind comments about Hubby. He is on the mend! We are thankful for that. :)


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...