

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hello! Welcome to Challenge #23, August 15th - September 14th

 Welcome to Challenge #23!!

We are happy you're here to join in with this month's challenge!

There is an Important Announcement I would like to make, so please read this before entering our challenge.

*This month will be our last time to offer challenges on our blog, we will however, be offering Monthly Challenges on our Facebook Page. *

Update** Update**

We will continue to hold our Blog Challenges on a monthly basis. 

**All dates are the same as before**

If you haven't already joined in with us at our FB page, we would love to have you! 

Join in with us!! Createful Heart Design Facebook Group

We will begin our Facebook Challenges on September 15th, they will start at the same time, 7:00 AM (Eastern Daylight Time) and end on the 14th of the following month.  The same time, just a different place!


We will still be selecting Top 3, And Winner, & select someone to be our Guest Designer! 

** Some may remember that when we held our FB challenges a few years back, that we used to offer images for free to be used that month, I'm sorry, but I run a business and I cannot offer images for free.**

Without further ado, let us get this Challenge going!!!

Let us inspire you, with the creative cards made by our talented Design Team!

First off - I would like to introduce my newest Image: Rugglesworth & Pi

Tracy Shultz has made a lovely card using: Summer Zinnia

Clara Fitts Kubert has made this lovely card using: Blue Jean Buddies

No photo description available.

Helen Nile has made a lovely card using Image: Bouquet of Red Poppies

No photo description available.

Manders El has made a lovely card using Image: Japanese Tea House

No photo description available.


We will be announcing Winners from past challenges, on our blog soon so be watching for those updates.


We've had a design team member to step down, Danka Brzezinska.  I would like to thank Danka, for sharing her awesome, creative works with us, and her dedication to the design team.  We wish her much success!



I am looking to add more members to our Team, if you would be interested in Joining in with us, please let me know if you are interested:Email, Me (Mary) - Only those that are serious in becoming a Design Team Member may apply.

Our Facebook Group

My Shop: Zibbet Createful Heart Design

What I look for in a DT Member:  Must be dedicated, be able to commit to a 6 month term.

Create one project a month for Createful Heart Design Facebook Challenge

Have work finished on time.

To take Clear photos of your work.

Share and promote Createful Heart Design across social media, even if you don't currently have a blog, that doesn't matter.

Leave comments on the entries in Facebook Challenges.

Take part in selecting top 3

Support and encourage your Design Team Mates


You will receive each month an Image to work with.

I will create a Badge for you.    You'll be able to have early access to new release images.  


I would love to see your work - Please send to me at least three of your favorite creations to my email address.  Email

In the Subject Heading please put: Application for Design Team Member

Send a short Bio about yourself, and why you would like to be considered for our team, and how many design teams you are currently on... even if you are a newbie and have just started being on teams let me know.

I am looking for those with a passion for crafting and creating with our Createful Heart Design Images.

This Design Team Call will remain open until all positions are filled*

*I am looking to fill at least four Design Team Positions*

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you, Mary - Designer/Owner of Createful Heart Design

*Spam emails will be deleted.*


Enter this month's Challenge below.  We wish you much success.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sad that this challenge is ending as I have enjoyed participating. As I don't use Facebook, I won't be joining you there. I will try and join in for this final challenge. Thanks to Mary for hosting this challenge and to all the Design Team for their inspiration.


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

  Hello everyone,  It's been a while since I have added anything on this blog.  I have been rather busy with work.   But let's not s...