

Monday, May 29, 2017

June is about here... and something just for you

I am posting again after a long absence.   Since the other post was a bit gruff sounding, as if I was totally fed up with blogger....and I was at the time, and still am to a certain degree.    Before all the happenings around our house, I was in the process of getting everything changed over... but at this moment... I feel that I'm in a holding pattern so to speak.  Which simply means that I will wait until I'm fully sure that I will be making that trek to a new "blog home".    I just want my followers and visitors to know that I did not jump ship.  I would not do that.... I would let you know should the ship be sinking... and currently the ship is sailing just fine.
This next paragraph is totally off the subject... just didn't want the reader to become confused.**

  To make a clearer statement... After we returned from a very relaxing trip we came home to find that our washing machine decided to fail, turning my entire load of laundry into a greasy speckled up mess!   Which made me wish I'd never put in such a big load.  I couldn't understand what was happening.  But after my husband took apart the agitator he showed me where the grease was coming from.... grease in a washing machine?!?!   You've got to be kidding me. I freaked out.   Now what in the wide world of sports was I going to do to get the grease out of the wet clothing.  I called my mother (I was still in the freak out stage), and asked if I could bring my soggy soiled clothes over to her place to see what we could do.  Of course that was not a problem.  My mother's wisdom proved to be very helpful.   After a couple of thorough washings and a good dose of Oxy Clean got those clothes bright and white.   No stains were left behind. Yahoo!     After that mess it was time to buy a new washer.     BTW the new washer works great... I love it. ♥     Okay... getting back to the first night of our coming home from the trip... we then realized that the central air conditioning decided to give up the ghost as well...  just what we needed.   I was beginning to think that our house had turned against us.   Fun.   Thankfully, the weather hadn't turned too hot... not yet anyway... and we could enjoy having the windows open.     I don't know about you, but, I can only handle humid weather for so long...  we went about a month with no central air.    And just recently got the air conditioner fixed.  Thankfully for free!   I'm telling you this because I am grateful. And so relieved.

♥♥And here's another statement I would like to make.  For those of you that are looking for a good deal.  I am having a sale.  Go to my Etsy Shop Createful Heart Digis   Where you'll find a really good deal.. at least we think so... starting today through June 30th... with your purchase of 2 images you'll get a 3rd image free.   Its a great way to get to know our store.  ♥♥  

Thanks for coming by.... leave a little comment love while your here.... and don't forget to check out the sale.♥♥

Hugs, Mary ♥

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Whimsical Wednesday Freebie

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