

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Butterfly Garden Card

Good Morning!    I decided to stay up a little while longer to finish up working on a card.    I couldn't decide, at first, what colors I wanted to use... decisions - decisions!    So I decided on a color I don't normally gravitate to... purple... or in this case a soft violet with a deeper purple added as a "pathway" for the butterflies.     I just happened to have a delicate flowered paper to give a garden feel.     I really like the peaceful feeling this design seems to have.      I mainly wanted the butterflies to be white with just a touch of pink to their wings. 

I'm not sure why this seems to look crooked...  it could be the way I held the camera.  ;)

This card chases away those very cold temperatures we've had lately.
And reminds us all of warmer weather to come... I know,  it will be a while! 😃

Thanks so much for your visit.  ♥


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