

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Flowers to love

These are from my flower garden. 
Picture taken in the Spring.
Its rather hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly!   Here we did our plantings of vegetables and flower seeds, and worked hard to reduce the weed population... Ha what a job that was!  ;)
I always elect myself to get the weeding done around here.  Round-Up was a great help.  
And now, by gollies its nearly time to pull out the old rake and wait for the leaves to start falling or blowing in our yard.   
Or if you're like the neighbors we have around here... they would rather burn leaves and sticks, and what the hey...why not burn trash too.   Such a lovely smell.   Thank you ever so much.   Yes, that was a hint of being sarcastic... Ha-ha. 
I'm just being silly... and that's okay.
For those of you that do like digital art works... I plan to get some of that done too.   I do have one that I need to ink in... and will get it up soon.  

And again, thank you for being patient in wondering what happened to the lady that started this blog... I'm still here...  just got a little bit too busy at times during the Summer months... and now that the weather is turning cooler... (at least its supposed to be cooler?)... I just heard the weather guy say we could see some temps in the 80's... Uh...ummm.... while it can be nice to be warm... I would rather stay just a tad bit cooler.  
So without further...blah...blah...blah... I will say have a good night... or good morning ...
♥ Mary ♥

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