

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Nestling Doll Cards

Nestling Dolls

A matryoshka doll (Russian), also known as a Russian nestling doll or Russian doll, is a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another.  ❤❤   In this case these dolls were fashioned by using card stock.   They do nestle down inside the other.   These are just too cute!   It may be hard to part with this trio.  ♥♥♥   The head tops do open for a little note to be placed inside.

Thank you for popping by to visit!


  1. I love these dolls, Mary!! One of my favorite color combos is white, pink, and black! Beautifully done!!

  2. Mary, these are so adorable and so unique! I don't remember ever seeing them done in paper before!

    Thank you for your visit to my blog! And thank you for trying to join. I'm having issues with following some blogs, too. If you click on the blue "follow" button under the pictures of my followers and it doesn't automatically refresh the number to one higher and show your picture in the first postion, then double-click the blue button.

    You may first get an "Oops, that's an error" window, but just ignore it and double-click the "follow" button again. (Twice should work, but I've had to do that two or three times.)

    Eventually you will get a window on top of the Oops window that has text about following. Just scroll down in that little window until you see the "follow" button and click on it just once. It will take a few seconds of whirling and then when the whirling arrow stops, you can "X" out of the popup windows and click on the refresh button at the top left on your tool bar. My blog will refresh and you will see the number go up (right now it is at 1011, so it will go to 1012) and that's how you know it worked! You probably won't see your face as the first photo, instead you are way at the end ... I have no idea Blogger is putting us at the end with no photo now's a pain in the petunia! But at least it works, which for several months it didn't at all.

    Also, I would return the favor and follow you, but you don't have the button. I would subscribe by email, but you don't have that button either. I would have emailed you personally, but you are a "no-reply" blogger. If you would like help with any of these things or with the instructions above, please feel free to email me via the "contact me" form on my side bar and I will be glad to help you!

    Again, thank you for finding me! And welcome to Blogland! I see you have only started your blog this year. I wish you all the best in the new year!! Hugs, Darnell

  3. Hi Mary, I love your nesting doll cards. They are so cute. I knew a lady who had the real dolls. I always loved seeing them. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  4. Thank you for all the nice comments! I do love how the dolls turned out. :)

    Darnell, I did not realize that I did not have the correct ways for peeps to follow me.
    I know that google did not seem to have a way for me to put in a "follow me" button, all I could find was the google circle option. which bummed me out. :( Thank you for your help with this.

    I appreciate all of the compliments... :) ♥!

  5. Hi Mary! Of course I remember you! It's been a long while. I love your Nesting Dolls! They are so pretty and very cute.
    Happy 2017.

    Betty J Schaub aka ZacksNana

  6. Hi Betty, yes, its nice to meet up with you again. ♥ I am happy to have you follow this blog... I am working on a couple of cards at the moment.. and will be sharing those soon.

    ♥ Mary ♥

  7. Thank You for all this information.If somebody want to see more about this type of doll. Visit here:


I like to read your comments, thank you so much!

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